Be Well Farming

Social Resilience on Northeast Farms

We hope you'll join us in this important work to sustain ourselves, each other and agriculture in the northeast!

2021 Be Well Farming Winter Retreats for Farmers

--> More about the 2021 Be Well Farming Winter Retreats...

How do we feed and care for ourselves while we feed others?

What types of practices and connections support us to be our best selves in the challenging work of managing a farm business?

What is social sustainability? How can it impact the overall success of a farm business, and also the personal health and wellbeing of the farmers who work there?

The Be Well Farming Project invites you to join us this December for a farmer-centered retreat experience where we’ll consider how we cultivate wellbeing for ourselves and for those we work alongside on the farm.

Two retreats and two formats to choose from:

The deadline to apply is October 25, 2021.

Invited participants will be notified by November 1, 2021. They'll also receive a payment link to reserve their space and detailed program plans and schedules at that time

The retreats are intended for commercial farmers and farm employees who have at least three years of experience managing or working on a crew on any type of agricultural operation in the Northeast.

A limited number of spaces for agricultural service providers are also available.

There will be a modest participation fee ($50) for the experience. Limited additional financial support is available for those who need it.

Application form is available below or via this application link

Retreat Intention & Approach

Our goal is to create a welcoming space for participants to explore new ways to improve personal and farm health and overall wellbeing. By being in community with other farmers, we aim to deepen social connections and support while we invite the collective wisdom in the room to offer practical strategies to advance wellbeing, equity, and social connection on and off the farm. We will learn and practice specific approaches together, and we will also imagine other ways we could support each other in the pursuit of more meaningful, healthy and connected practices.

Programming will be facilitated by the Be Well Farming team and Advisors and will consist of a series of full-group and small group conversation, quiet reflection, yoga, arts, meditation and walking, and, for the in-person retreat, communal meals, unstructured social time, and overnight accommodation. Over the course of the retreat, participants will also be invited to help shape ongoing Be Well programs to be offered through 2022.

--> Application Form

The Be Well Farming Project strengthens the social resilience of farms across the northeast by cultivating personal well-being, community connections, and fairness in the lives of farmers and farm workers.

Be Well Farming is a collaborative effort by participating farmers, farm workers and service providers from across the Northeast region; supported with leadership from University of Maine Cooperative Extension, Tufts New Entry Sustainable Farming Program, Cornell Small Farms Program and the Center for Mindful Agriculture; and funded by a Research & Education Grant from Northeast SARE (LNE19-377).

For more information about the Be Well Farming Project, please see our website, sign up for our listserv, contact our project manager via email or reach out to any project team member directly.

Be well!